mode diversiteit instagram

Laten we eerlijk zijn: de meeste modetijdschriften staan vol met superslanke, blanke meisjes met het perfecte koppie en vooral: het perfecte lichaam. Instagram wil daar nu verandering inbrengen met een nieuw initiatief: #RunwayForAll. Het sociale medium plaats 5 dagen lang foto’s van meiden die niet passen binnen het ‘mainstream schoonheidsideaal’. Diversiteit promoten, dat is het doel.

Afgelopen maandag heeft Instagram de hashtag #RunwayForAll in het leven geroepen om op die manier de kampioenen in de modewereld in het zonnetje te zetten. Daarnaast wil Instagram met deze actie andere gebruikers ertoe zetten hun eigen unieke verhalen te verspreiden en daardoor diversiteit in de modewereld te verspreiden. Want de schoonheidsidealen gelden lang niet voor iedereen, en het is tijd dat de fashion scene dit erkent. Plussize, blank, donker, gehandicapt of niet: Instagram postte deze week modellen in ‘alle soorten en maten’ op hun account.

“#RunwayForAll means any teenager feels represented when they open a magazine or watch a fashion show,” says Mama Cax (@caxmee). Mama grew up in Haiti, lives in New York City and never aspired to be a model — “not only because there were very few dark models on magazine covers but also because I grew up with very little knowledge of the fashion industry,” she says. “Eight years ago, after getting my leg amputated, the idea of being a model was even more far-fetched.” Today, Mama is modeling and doing other things that she was told there was no audience for, like sharing tips for traveling as a black female amputee. “The majority of humans do not look like the mainstream idea of beauty,” she says. “One of the greatest barriers is not belonging. Through modeling I hope to show that beauty does not always wear a size zero and beauty does not always walk on two limbs.” Every day this week, we’ll be sharing the story of a model who is redefining industry standards and making sure there’s room on the #RunwayForAll. Photo of @caxmee by @simonhuemaen

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Maandag startte Instagram met Mama Cax, een New-Yorkse blogger en freelance model, wiens been geamputeerd werd toen ze acht jaar was. Volgens Mama Cax betekent #RunwayForAll dat alle tieners zich vertegenwoordigd moeten voelen wanneer ze een modeblad openslaan. “De meerderheid van de mensen hebben niet een uiterlijk dat lijkt op het ‘schoonheidsideaal'”, zegt Cax. “Eén van de grootste barrieres is ‘er niet bij horen’. Door modellenwerk te doen hoop ik dat ik iedereen kan laten zien dat schoonheid niet altijd een mini-maatje heeft en op 2 benen loopt.” Andere modellen die hun verhaal deelden waren albino model Shaun Ross en plussize model Clémentine Desseaux.  

“#RunwayForAll is a world where everyone is treated the same,” says Shaun Ross (@shaundross). When he started modeling nearly a decade ago, Shaun was the only male model of color with albinism. “I remember when I first entered the industry all I saw were models that looked the same,” he says. “Now here we are almost 10 years later, and I see the choice I’ve made has helped the industry to see beauty in many ways, such as casting models and rising icons like @winnieharlow, @jilly_peppa and more to help lead the fight with me to diversity.” When he started, Shaun was one of a few openly gay models in the industry. “Agents always told male models to be masculine, but that was never the case for me. I never wanted to hide my sexuality,” he says. “I’d rather be myself.” Photo by @shaundross

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“#RunwayforAll is not so much about what we look like anymore but more about what we represent,” says Clémentine Desseaux (@bonjourclem), who grew up in France. “I was always way bigger and taller than everyone when I was growing up, and I had those freckles,” she says. “When I saw the first plus models out there, I started thinking about trying it out. At that point I had no idea it would take me to where I am now.” Three years ago, Clementine moved to New York with $2,000 to her name and never looked back. “My size and look were in the way of me feeling invincible when I was young,” she says. “I hope I was the last generation of women to think like that. Role model is the new top model.” Every day this week, we’ll be sharing the story of a model who is redefining industry standards and making sure there’s room on the #RunwayForAll. Photo of @bonjourclem by @emmaandhercamera

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